Saturday, October 11, 2008

Nothing is more dangerous than scandals ... or more precious than secrets.

The way of people who dreaded scandals more than diseases, who placed decency above courage, and who considered that nothing was more ill-bred than "scenes", except the behaviour of those who give rise to them. - Age of Innocence

Hey you.

A dreadful day... not so. SO Borders FINALLY! that's the wonderful part. The sad thing is that there's many books that I've been waiting to buy that's not available. It was notorious. Days seems to be adagio un poco mosso. Cantando cantando. I need to live con anima. If you're wondering what those means.. learn italiano. lol hehe. (: We have to be vivace non troppo oh anyway i got those words from learning piano. AWESOME right? hahhaa.

Okay other than that.. my sis seems to be really selfish at times. So we have to leave Borders early just to accompany her going back home way. oh well ... Some things just can't be controlled can't it.

Well now that exams is over i'm totally free. just that i'm not sure what i would be doing.. well actually i have lots of things to do. But i have reasons why i can't do it... example like the movie clip for Mt K. I can't do it cause my movie maker is officially spoiled and Mr Lim wants it to be ready by wed. just because i didnt know that I have to put in lesson learned in it. so yea.. sigh..

cross fingers... hope everything goes as planned


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