Thursday, June 26, 2008

Who Will I Be

I should have know its too good to be true. Things couldn't possibly that simple. It never will.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happily Ever After

Hey people
hey before anything can i say Chase Crawford ( Nate Archibald ) from Gossip Girl is soo extremely handsome! and good looking ! lol
have been busy for the last couple of days so yea... :D well 2 days ago on Monday during ice skating lesson i fell down and hurt my knee cap badly... but then i can't really identify where is the brusees.. i thought its might be internal and so it is internal thing, one of my blood vessels have some problems so yea.. oh well
Yea and I've been sleeping over @ my cuz house...its damn fun... we played card games and all.. Hahaha... Hmm then i went swimming just now in the morning. oh oh the worse thing is i just cut my hair AGAIN! i seriously couldn't help it. Though it turns :P i hope this hair grows real fast like in 2 weeks sould really help like grow 15 cm would be fine :D
That's like bad idea to cut my hair, remind me to NEVER cut it again...
The nice things is that i've watch the other boleyn sister Movie... It's really in like the story line, like how close the sister that one of them can like risk her life (Mary) to come back to court and beg the king that he will spare his sister( anna ) her life... and because of her sister, his brother (george) is also killed and anna and george are killed cause of adultery. But like the touching thing is that how much mary still loves anna even though Anna had been really bad to her at times. cause of jealousy.
The other movie Juno. Is really touching that she found out that its the greatest thing that for someone to love you as who you are whether you are sick or healthy, pretty or ugly, normal or unique. Awww that is like soo sweet! :D hhaha...
fairly tale again.... well i really want to believe in that though.
well alright then so much for the things that's been going on here
speaking of that i haven't been doing my work...opps... haha..
i'll start tomorrow yea :D alrighty then
see you guys and take care
for john-ians: all the best in doing the haunted house yea :D may it be a success..