Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Adam Khoo Program

Well, I guess overall was fun (:
I had fun & enjoyable time in the talk.
there'll be continuation of it tmr.
Though, i guess i was a little distracted, 
but I know I shouldn't be.
I guess, I really have to keep pushing myself & forget abt everything. 

Have u ever felt like you're not important? 
Like the person you care about doesn't think that u are? 
It just made me more and more demoralized at times like this.
It made me want to not have any feelings sometimes.
Is this the part of life, I will feel like my world is ending? 
& if I survived through this storm I'd be much happier and more grown.
or I won't survive the storm? 
what should I do? 

Monday, January 25, 2010

N-Zone Basketball

Awesome job & Fabulous
for both basketball team of JunGang today (:
u guys made me feel so sad that I can't play anymore this year.
I'm really glad that you guys are gonna change e cycle.
Keep it up and I wish u guys all the best for the rest of the upcoming match (:
viv, D, diy! I miss u guyss... Have to much things tht I need to let go!

Before I fall too fast, kiss me quick, but make it last
So i can see how badly this will hurt me
When you say good bye

Keep it sweet, keep it slow
Let the future pass, and don't let go
But tonight i could fall to soon under this beautiful moonlight
But you're so hypnotizing
You got me laughing while i sing
You got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
And your love is where im falling

See this heart, wont settle down
Like a child running scared from a clown
I'm terrified of what you'll do
my stomach screams just when I look at you

Run far away, so I can breathe
Even though you're far from suffocating me
I can't set my hopes to high
Cuz every hello ends with a goodbye

So now you see, why I'm scared
I cant open up my heart without a care
But here i go, its what i feel
and for the first time in my life i know its real

Sunday, January 24, 2010

4E3 CLASS BBQ 2010

Yeay! I so love the class BBQ today 
We had so much fun (: 
Practically almost everyone turned up (: 
It's been so awesome for the fun times we had today.
I really enjoyed it & take my minds off things,
I hope things' gonna be alright.
It' haven't been for awhile..

I hope you're well off now.
U should really take care of urself more.
I know u said 'kk'
but are u really sure u're doing it.
It kills me to see u get hurt.
Please. take care .

Saturday, January 23, 2010


If anyone asks, 

I'll tell them we both just moved on
When people all stare
I'll pretend that I don't hear them talk
Whenever I see you,
I'll swallow my pride and bite my tongue
Pretend I'm okay with it all
Act like there's nothing wrong

Is it over yet?
Can I open my eyes?
Is this as hard as it gets?
Is this what it feels like to really cry.

If anyone asks, I'll tell them we just grew apart 

Yeah what do I care
If they believe me or not
Whenever I feel
Your memory is breaking my heart
I'll pretend I'm okay with it all
Act like there's nothing wrong .
I'm talking in circles, I'm lying, they know it
Why won't this just all go away.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I don't know how to make it to e other end.

I don't know what I can do anymore.
look at what had happen... 
It's not gonna be easy from here on.
It never was. 
except the fact that I was really happy then,
it made me feel like everything seems easy and simple.
I know what u said it's true.
but, every thing's ... harder

Yes Qishan & Leonard if you're reading this, 
U have noooo ideaaaa,
You'd be surprised. Literally. 

I know u probably won't even read this, but if you do.
Seriously, why can't you just tell me,
what's the reason, why, and what happen?
Did you think that I was unhappy when  I was with you?
Just because I wrote on e papers.
It doesn't mean I was unhappy. 
at those moments, I just felt, alone, 
cause you were busy.
If it was ur parents, 
then why things still cannot be the same?
You are out most of the time anyway, 
what difference does it make? 
why, pretend and forget it all never existed?
I thought U meant every word that u said. 
& that if u didn't mean it you wouldn't even say it.
i kept it, 
tht piece of straw.
it reminds me, tht it wasn't a dream.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today as A day itself

I was stuck in school, 
Apparently the school's getting smarter. 
they totally banned everyone from going out of the school.
and they made CCA under curriculum time.

I wanna believe you,
When you tell me that it'll be ok,

It always turns out to be a different way.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I Missed School Today

I'm officially sick for 2010.
It's really amazingly crazy what people can do under depression.
I wasn't feeling well since Friday anyway
then the crying from what happen made my head to hurt even more 
and it adds up to the allergic that I'm having. 
On saturday I took the injection for flu which have side effects 
so therefore that conclude how i got myself in this stage of life.

I wonder at this stage, 
whether you're in school. 
I hope you don't break your promise to keep going to school.
It's very crucial at this point of time to keep going to school.
I hope you understand what I have been telling you these pass few days.
i miss you 

You're gonna be alright (: 
You guys have been alright, so what makes u think you can't survive this. 
It's High School, you should just enjoy it with him. 
Doesn't really matter if he didn't made it through to the next lvl,
you guys will still see each other in school.
and don't give up (: you're a strong and awesome girl
you'll SURVIVE this! 
WE love you!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Love never dies a natural death.
It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source.
It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals.
It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.

To you, You know who u are.
I wouldn't know whether U'll read this or not,
but I'll just write it out.
Please stop being like that.
I know you long enough to know that deep down you're good.
You're a good person.
I understand that maybe you're under a lot of stress.
I may not know what it might be,
but i want u to know that I'll be there for you.
I know you've heard that many times.
But I just hope you'll be alright.

At the least, knowing that you will be aright made me safe.
Made me feel happier and stronger.
I don't want to mess more things between us.
Please take care of yourself, know what's right or wrong.
Don't give up just like that.
cause in life nothing is as easy as ABC.
Everything that we've been through,
U've cleared it out of your mind,
even though I would never know whether you really erased everything
I wish there's some part of it that you'll not forget.
I hope it was not all for nothing.

Everything that happen meant a lot to me
I didn't , I can't forget about it.
As much as it hurts to remember everything,
as painful as it can be remembering those beautiful moments
even every time I think of those moments my hearts feel like it's going to blow.
I will not take it for granted.
You thought me a lot of things and I'm grateful for it.
I miss being with you.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why this, why that ?

People that I cared about are leaving me one by one... 
why? why? 
I don't get it. What did I do wrong? 
everything's wrong with me.

Since I was a little girl I knew what I wanted
One day I would see the world and make my mark on it
Put in time, sacrificed never thought of thinking twice
Since I was a little girl I dreamed
Now I'm standing with you in this terminal
With a ticket so far from your love

Can I have one more kiss, one more touch
I just can't get enough of you
But I'm in a rush I got to fly away
Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three
There's a doorway to my dreams
I could go or I could stay
Should I change my life or miss my flight?

My alarm clock in the morning said you got to go now
The breakfast you were calling and my heart just broke down
Cause tomorrow we will be waking up separately
Wish I never heard that clock ring
See I don't want to win if my hearts got to lose
So how in the world do I choose?

How can you messure the promise of love
When it's weighing against a chance that comes once
How can I leave when I know he's the one
When the dust settles he might now be here
And I'm standing with you in this terminal
Crying my eyes out in tears.

Every word that U told me,
meant a lot to me,
it means everything to me,
why all of this happen?
I dont understand. make me understand.
U left me hanging around without an answer.
i loved you.

Claire, thanks for that post. 
I know I'm suppose to be strong.
I will be, I will try.
At least to fake it for now.