Monday, November 24, 2008


tagged by Claire Francis!
10 weird facts about myself
#2. i love to collect winter clothing but have no where to wear them
#3 I Love to clean other people’s room i can’t stand to see messy room.
#4. I do ice skating and Basketball which is a contrast
#5. I want to be busy but when i get too busy i would want to have free time. But when i got e free time i’ll be bored to death
#6 I have schedule which is totally FULL! And i still slip in little things in between
#7 I like to Believe in Magic
#8. i like Green Tea ALOT
#9. i like eating MAC which is so harmful!
#10. i dislike eating Chilli

5 people tagged by me:
Vinnie, Liting, Danker, Ash, Deena

A: You like to drink
B: You like people
C: You are really silly
D: You like to eat
E: You like to play with dogs
F: You are dead sexy
G: You never let people tell you what to do
H: You have good personality and good looks
I: Easy to be withJ: People adore you
K: You are wild and crazy
L: Everyone loves you
M: Best kisses ever
N: Best BF/GF anyone could ask for
O: Easy to fall in love with
P: You are popular with all types of people
Q: You are a tomboy
R: You are loyal to those you love
S: Crazy
T: Awesome kisses
U: You really like to chill
V: Awesome in bed
W: You are very broad-minded
X: You love sports
Y: Best BF/GF anyone could ask for
Z: Always ready.

My Name:
E – You like to play with dogs
R –You are loyal to those you love
I – Easy to be with
C – You are really Silly
A –You like to drink

D – You like to eat
E- You like to play with dogs
V – Awesome in bed
I – Easy to be with

H – You have a good personality and good looks
A – You like to drink
N – Best GF/BF anyone could ever ask for
D – You like to eat
I - Easy to be with
K – You are wild and crazy
A – You like to drink

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