Sunday, November 16, 2008

Early Christmas Party @ Carlton Hotel!

Hey yoU!
I just got back from carlton hotel to celebrate christmas with the indo people from my cousin christian church. It was awesome.. It makes me feel jakarta's parties when i was there long time ago. PLus there's phraise and worship it makes me miss PC! and last year!! The food was nice too.. In the morning as usual choir.. (: hey hey hey... tomorrow is match with macpherson sec.. pfft... gonna go through the same thing again.. so hard.. -.- oh well, we'll see how it goes. (:
Btw... Next Fri will be going out with claire and rach to catch up with things since they're lke so busy with O levels for the past few months.. so we gonna have lots of stories to tell .. Miss U guys (: Loves. ijustwishicouldtakeitback,mydecisionofnotlettinguintomylife.imsorry

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